Leon Edwards, Belal Muhammad reveal what happened during elevator altercation ahead of UFC 304

During the lead-up to UFC 304, Leon Edwards and Belal Muhammad had an awkward encounter in an elevator at their host hotel.

Elevator Encounter Before UFC 304

While Muhammad was in the elevator going to the third floor, the doors opened to reveal Edwards standing right outside. Edwards and his team decided.

Close Proximity in the Elevator

Edwards described the situation, noting that he walked directly into the elevator and instructed the in group to press the third floor button, creating an immediate.

Edwards' Reaction

Muhammad reported that only Edwards head coach, Dave Lovell, engaged in verbal taunts during the elevator ride. Muhammad was surprised by the interaction.

Muhammad's Perception

After the elevator ride, both fighters exchanged words outside the elevator, though the confrontation didn't escalate into anything physical.

Post-Elevator Exchange

Edwards expressed his surprise at Muhammad's decision to remain quiet during the elevator ride and only speak up after they had exited.

Edwards' Surprise

Muhammad was more entertained by Edwards' coach's trash talk than by Edwards himself, calling the coach s comments funny and enjoying the verbal.

Muhammad s Thoughts on the Coach